Аrchive 2016


Events passed

The photo

Week of the Kazakh language


Soccer tournament Surveyor club 24.09.16

Students of the 1 st year of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will visit the KazNU Museum. Al-Farabi.  09.10.2016

Celebratory concert dedicated to Teacher's Day

Meeting with the graduate of the Department of KiG, Master of the University of Salzburg Rahymbay Z.

Going to the theater of the Theater of Young Spectators G.Musrepov for the performance "Mahabbat Hattara"

Open advisory hour on the topic "Өз тілің -Бірлік үшін, өзге тілің -тірлік үшін

"Almaty - ғасырлар куәсі" an open advisory hour

"Dedication to students" a gala concert for 1st year students

Going to the theater. M.Auezov for the performance "Atyastaki Ahiko"

Friendly table tennis tournament among students.

An open advisory hour on the topic «Теңге – тәуелсіздік нышаны»

Going to the Theater of Young People's Theater of G.Musrepov for the play «Күшік күйеу»

A round table devoted to the Day of the student, students of the 4th year of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics within the framework of the project "Days of the department in the hostel"

The 2nd year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics within the framework of the project "The Days of the Department in the Hostel" will conduct an educational conversation on the topic "AIDS".

Students of the 4th year of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, organize an open lesson on the 25th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Елін бастаған - елбасы»

25.11.2016 Students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will organize a gala concert dedicated to the students of the 4th year in the framework of the "Ainalalod nurlandyr" project

29.11.2016г. In the hostel №4 students of the 3rd year of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics within the framework of the project "Days of the department in the hostel" will hold a meeting on the topic "The role of social networks in the life of young people".

07.12.2016. Students of the 3-year course of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics within the framework of "Ainaladı nörlandir" organize a round table on the topic «Тәуелсіз елім тірегім»

 07.12.2016 4th year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will hold a round table on the subject«Қазақстан ғарыш жүйесі. Kazsat спутнигінің құрылу тарихы»

08.12.2016 4th year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will hold a student debate on the topic «Ғарыштық суреттердің табиғи ресурстарын зерттеудегі ролі»

09.12.2016 3rd year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will hold a student debate on the topic «Ғарыштық суреттерді дешифрлеу әдістері: камералдық және автоматты (ерекшеліктері мен кемшіліктері) »


Report on the educational work of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics for the second half of 2016-2017.


Events passed

The photo

Within the framework of the "Aynalandyr Nuralanır" project, 2nd year students will attend a historical feature film «Алмазный меч»

In the framework of the "Healthy Lifestyle" project, the students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics visited the sports competition in figure skating during the 28th World Winter Universiade in Almaty.

Charity event for needy families

Meeting with deputies of the mazhilistman for discussion

Round table dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the newspaper "Zhas Alash"

Participation in the annual contest "Best advisory group-2017"

Within the framework of the project, the Day of the Department conducted vocational guidance with schoolchildren of the 10th and 11th grades

Within the framework of the project "Days of the department in the hostel" the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics held an educational conversation on the topic «Зиянды заттардан аулақ болайық!».

Within the framework of the project "Healthy Body Healthy Spirit", a volleyball tournament among 3rd year students

Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics and students hold a festive concert dedicated to the International Women's Day - March 8th !!!

In the framework of the project "Ainalalad nurlandyr", 1st year students will conduct an open lesson on the topic "Nauryz - zhyl bassy"

3-year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will visit the laboratory of the KAZAKH UNIVERSITY OF COMMUNICATION WAYS to obtain practical skills in the construction of railway tracks.


Студенттік көктем - 2017

Students of the 2nd course visited the State Puppet Theater for the play "Kujuizi satisvyshy"

Students of the 3rd year of the department of "Geodesy and Cartography" within the framework of the project "Ainalandyr Nyrlandyr" will hold a charity event for schoolchildren of the special - correctional school № 7.

In the framework of the project "Ainalalad Norrlandyr", 2nd year students of the specialty "Cartography and Geoinformatics" organize an open advisory hour dedicated to EXPO-2017 - "Energy of the Future"

Participation of students in the annual student-practical conference "Farabi Alemi"

City Saturday in the territory of KazNU

Professional orientation work with graduates of the school-gambling named after Lomonosov

Within the framework of the Green Campus, 1st year students organized a flower transplant

Holding and participation in the national holiday "Nauryz"

In the framework of the project "Ainalalad Norrlandyr", 3rd year students of the specialty "Cartography and Geoinformatics" organize an open advisory hour dedicated to EXPO-2017


Participation of 2nd year students in the finals of the annual contest "Best advisory group -2017"

Within the framework of the program "Ainalady nyrlandyr", the students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics organize a round table on the topic "Erligi eil esinde".

Within the framework of the project "Ainaladı nұrlādır", 3 year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will visit the Almarasan Gorges

Within the framework of the project "Ainalalad nurlaydyr" students of the 2nd course of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics on the day of May 9th Laying flowers on the eternal fire

Within the framework of the project "Ainaladı nұrlādır", 2nd year students of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics will visit the Butakovka gorges


Отчет по воспитательной работе кафедры картографии и геоинформатики

за 2015-2016 учебный год


Наименование мероприятий

Доказательная база





«Керемет» - центр обслуживание студентов





Прием студентов 1 курса в КазНУ




Музей КазНУ



Познакомить студентов 1 курса с клубом «Surveyor»




Поход в Шымбұлақ по программе «Здоровый образ жизни».


Футбольный турнир посвященный «550 летию Казахского ханства» с участием студентов кафедры Картографии и Геоинформатики





Круглый стол посвященный «550-летию Казахского ханства» в честь дня кафедры «Картографий және геоинформатики»




Дежурство в общежитий и участие в субботнике






Круглый стол с магистрантами кафедры Картографии и геоинформатики







Встреча ректора КазНУ имени аль-Фараби с активными студентами.






Мы против экстремизма






Гала концерт «Таланты 1-курса-2015»





Семинар на тему «Достижения и перспективы развития геодезии и картографии»








Экологический фестиваль "EcoDays 2015" по проекту Гринкампус







Соревнование "Кубок ректора"







Золотая осень в мире кино




«Посвящение в студенты»






Круглый стол под названием «Пусть объединятся флаги всех стран» посвященный Экспо 2017в честь дня кафедры






«Джигит султаны 2015»






Собрание "Секреты успешной подготовки к сессии" по подготовке к экзаменам








Культурное мероприятие по проекту "100 книг"






Праздничное мероприятие под названием "Студенческая пора- неповторимый период "






Посадка комнатных растений по проекту «Гринкампус»






Праздничный концерт по проекту «Айналанды нурландыр»в специализированной школе-интернат №6 для детей с интеллектуальными нарушениями развития






Круглый стол «Слова назидания Абая» по проекту "100 книг"