Division for Quality Control of Educational programmes


Head of Division for Quality Control

of Educational programmes

Bainoserova Aigul


Tel.: +7(727) 377-33-33 (int. 1336)

Е-mail: Aigul.Bainoserova@kaznu.kz


Division for Quality Control of Educational programmes is a part of the Center for Accreditation and Quality of Educational Programmes. Main purpose of the division is control of educational programmes quality and the development of test forms for monitoring students' knowledge, analyzing the quality of control forms in disciplines and their standardization.

Main functions of the division:

  • Monitoring and information support of the quality of educational programmes;
  • Participation in the work of the Commission for the comprehensive inspection of any faculty or department activities;
  • Control over implementation of curricula of basic and additional educational programs of higher professional education;
  • Organization and methodical guidance of the development and introduction of a testing system (entrance, current, educational, final) as the most objective way to monitor students' knowledge;
  • Development of conceptual questions for application of testing in educational process;
  • Providing a single scientific-methodical and scientific-technical (software) approach to the development and application of test materials based on modern computer technologies;
  • Development of normative documents, orders for the organization of testing at the University;
  • Analysis of the quality of monitoring tools and the results of test forms for students’ knowledge control.
  • Organization and conduction control of students' knowledge in the form of computer testing;
  • Use of the testing results for analyzing the state of the educational process;
  • Maintaining connection with the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Formation of information on the contingent of students participating in the External Evaluation of Educational Achievements (ВОУД) annually conducted by the National Test Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Formation of information on the contingent of graduate students in the direction of "Pedagogical Sciences", participating in the National Qualification Testing (hereinafter NQT) conducted by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Analysis of testing results NQT;
  • Development of proposals for further improvement of the testing procedures at the university.