self-supporting centerns

The information of self-supporting centers of the philology and world languages faculty for 2017



Center head

Activity for license


Chair of Foreign Languages ​​

Linguistic Centre
iLC Kaznu 


Muldagalieva A.A.

Improving the level of English language teachers in schools together   with the Institute of Advanced Studies



Chair of foreign philology and translation studies


«Тәржіман және тіл»

Scientific and educational center  


Musaly S.N.

1) Language courses

2) Levels of English (IELTS TOEFL)
3) Translation Services (Translation varieties of texts)
4) Refresher courses


3 Department of General Linguistics and European languages

British center

Moldassanova A.T.

1) English language courses

2) Discussion club in English
3) IELTS, TOEFL courses to determine the language level




Chair of Kazakh linguistics

Scientific and educational center “Lnguaarana”

Ashirova A.

1) Translations of documents
2) Kazakh language training courses   for foreign students
3) Research and educational support for   teaching process
4) Refresher courses




Chair of Russian philology and world literature

Multipurpose Research Center of educational services "Glossa" 

Dzholdasbekova B.U.


Russian courses for foreign citizens, representatives of the Kazakh communities from Russia, Turkey, China, Mongolia, Iran and other countries.
2. Preparation of senior pupils to research projects, competitions and ENT;
3. The course "Language and Intercultural Communication



Chair of the Kazakh Literature and Literature Theory

«Научно-исследовательский центр казахского фольклора и литературы» имени Жамбыла


" Zhambyl Research Center of Kazakh folklore and literature  



Umbetayev M.

72-hour online course for teachers and amateurs of literature "Creative laboratory for Writers"

( "Zhambyltanu", "Magzhantanu", "Shakarimtanu" et al.). It   is advantageous for teachers from   remote rural schools. The course includes lectures, seminars. Teachers can   improve their level through the Internet and at the end of the course they will receive certificates.