Orazbekova Lyazat


Orazbekova Lyazat


Teaching area and designation
Docent (Associate Professor), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Mathematics). Docent of Fundamental Mathematics Department

Academic career


Initial academic appointment




Kazakh State University (KSU), named after Kirov, Republic of Kazakhstan


Graduate Student (Aspirant)  

Al-Farabi Kazakh State University (KSU)

1996 - 1998

Full Docent of Mathematics  

Control Committee in Education and Science under Republic Ministry of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


Research and development projects over the last 5 years


Name of project or research focus

Period and any other information

Partners, if applicable

Amount of financing


Scientifically-methodical bases of updating the content of mathematics education as a condition for implementation of the succession school and high school



1 million tenge per year

Methodical System for the Formation and Development of Educational and Research Activity of Students



2 million tenge per year

Important publications over the last 5 years


Selected recent publications



Publisher, place of publication, date of publication or name of periodical, volume, issue, page numbers


Orazbekova L.N.

Modular design of the content of mathematics for economists (Article in Kazakh)

Bulletin of Kazakh National University, series "Economics". №6 (88). 2011, pp. 24-32.


Danaev N.T., Orazbekova L.N., Kadyrova A.S., Suleymenov Zh.S.

Tasks for developing the abilities to learning and research activities in teaching students mathematical modeling of problems of operational research

International Scientific and Practical Conference (ISPC) in London «The Recent Trends in Science and Technology Management» London. 9-10 May 2013 - V2,

http://yadi.sk/d/XoI1Wi2J4jppG pp. 115-122.


Orazbekova L.N., Berikkhanova G.E.

The introduction of digital educational resources to the educational process as a condition of Kazakhstan education modernization.

The 8th International Conference on Virtual Learning. Virtual learning – virtual reality. October 25-26, 2013. Models & methodologies, technologies, software solutions. Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st.   Century. ISSN: 1844-8933 © Bucharest University Press. http://www.c3.icvl.eu/2013/accepted-abstract-list. pp 357-363.


Orazbekova L.N.

Succession teaching mathematics at profile school and in high school (Article in Russian)

Actual problems of modern mathematics and mathematical education. Gertsenov reading - 2014. LXVII Proceedings of the international scientific conference. 14-18 April 2014. St. Petersburg. pp. 187-195.


OrazbekovaL.N., Zurmati Z

Developing students’ research when teaching a mathematics course

Bulletin of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical. A series of physical and mathematical sciences», №3 (47) 2014, pp. 157-161.


Orazbekova L.N., Kadyrova A.S.

Didactic characteristics of teaching and research activity of students (Article in Russian)

Bulletin of the Eurasian National University - Astana, №5 (102), 2014, Series Humanitie, pp. 107-113.


Orazbekova L.N.

Mathematics in economics, part 1. (Tutorial in Kazakh).

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, 2014.


Orazbekova L.N.

Mathematics in economics, part 1. (Tutorial in Kazakh).

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, 2015.