About Trade Union

Председатель профсоюза «Парасат»

Мекебаев Талгат Кумаргалиевич

тел. 377 35 55 вн.1199

тел. 377 35 25 вн.1109

Заместитель председателя – Ложникова Ольга Петровна

Ведущий специалист – Умбетжанова Эльвира Алмасовна

Юрист – Рыскалиев Даулет Уразгалиевич

Бухгалтер – Борисова Любовь Николаевна

Офис менеджер- Нусип Лаура

Список председателей профподразделений и список членов профкома

Устав профсоюзного комитета

Public association "Trade union" Parasat "workers of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit public association. It operates in the field of education and in other sectors in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the current legislation and the Articles of Association. The activities of the trade union based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, the rule of law and the activity of its members.
The activities of the trade union is built on an open basis and is created for an unlimited period of its activity. The main objective of the union is involved in determining working conditions are: regulation of labor; definition of conditions of remuneration; security and safety; determine the conditions and collective bargaining for the protection of labor, social and economic rights of workers; participation in decision-employer acts on the definition of working conditions as a whole; participation in the resolution of labor disputes; consideration of appeals of union members, work-related; providing legal, material and financial assistance to other union members.
The history of the trade union begins in 1959. Then the local committee of workers KazSU was organized. Kirov. At the election conference of trade union "Parasat" workers KazNU February 15, 2011 the chairman of the trade union was selected T.K.Mekebaev.
For the first time employees union Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as an independent public association with its own Articles of Association was registered in Almaty city Department of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan March 11, 1994.
Given the current situation, the union has been actively involved in the work to develop ways to optimize the structural units of the university, the disciplinary commission to prevent corruption-action by the university staff and the development of measures to prevent unjustified job cuts and undue delays and non-payment of wages.
Carrying out tasks, the union involved in the resolution of labor disputes, in standardizing the labor of its employees, security and occupational health, involved in the protection of labor, social, economic and legal rights of workers, considering the treatment of trade union members, work-related, and provides legal , material and other financial assistance to union members.