Online video conference on the G-Global platform

On October 13, 2016, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of Geography and Environmental Sciences Faculty in cooperation with Kazakhstan-German University carried out online video conference on the G-Global platform dedicated to the "Water Day". Online video conference consisted of two sessions: the first Master class from the invited experts and a student's colloquium. During the first session will hear report of the invited experts Madkhavi Malalgoda Ariyabandu - the Regional coordinator, Central Asia and South Caucasus in Department of the United Nations on disaster reduction (MSUOB of the UN), the gender issues Coordinator for the Pacific Region. The report was devoted to a subject: "Disaster risk reduction for achievement of 2030 of the Agenda in the area for increase in stability". In the second session online of videoconference, reports of undergraduates and students from partner universities will hear: The Kazakhstan-German University, K. I. Satpayev KazNRTU, KazNAU and L. N. Gumilev ENU.

Publication date :  11/19/2016