Academic mobility and internships

Academic mobility and Scientific internships

Scientific internships


Period of Stay



Aidarbayev S.J. Doctor of law science, Professor; Kurmangali M.Sh. Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor, Tatarinov D.V. candidateof Law science, Associate Professor; Erdzhanov T.K. Candidate of Law science Ph.D., associate professor

25-27 of april of 2014 year.

Kyrgyzstan, city: Bishkek, Kyrgyz National Law University of Balasagyn

"Interactive teaching methods in higher education in Distance Education format"

Erdzhanov T.K. Ph.D., associate professor

28 may - 07 june of 2014 year.

Turkey, Ankara World Forum of Justice

"Legal regulation of activity in the global information and communication networks"

Tatarinov D.V. Ph.D., KR, acting Associate Professor

16 -25 august 2014 г.

Russia, St. Petersburg

"The legal responsibility in the mechanism of legal regulation of labor relations"

Baizhanov M.M., Doctor Ph.D, Associate Professor

17-26 june 2014 year.

United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne., (NewcastleUniversity)

«Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education»

Baizhanov M.M., Doctor Ph.D, Associate Professor

07-10 june 2014 year.

Georgia, Tbilisi (International Training Centre of the UN agency for Refugees (UNHCR)

"Improving the efficiency of education through reading books on the Rights of Refugees"

Tatarinov D.V. Ph.D. KR Associate Professor; Erdzhanov T.K. Ph.D., associate professor

8 october 2014 year.

Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi and«Turan»University)

International scientific-practical conference "The legal framework to combat crime in the global communication networks"

Altaeva K.Zh. Ph.D Doctor, Associate Professor

28-29 november of 2014 year.

Germany, Kiel (Kiel University)

International scientific-practical conference "The settlement of international trade disputes in the region of Central Asia and the Caucasus: public law and private law mechanisms."

Prof. Kukeeva F. T.

6-10 September 2014

USA, Washington, Institute of Central Asia and South Caucasus

Baizakova K. I., Doctor of History, Professor.

1-15 February 2014

France, Le Havre, Le Havre University (scientific training)

Baizakova K. I., Doctor of History, Professor.

1-3 March 2014

Belgium, Brussels, NATO Headquarters (International Workshop)

Gubaidullina M. Sh., Doctor of History, Professor.

December. 2013 - January. 2014

"Higher Education in the Bologna Process": Universities and research centers, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig (Germany)

Gubaidullina M. Sh., Doctor of History, Professor.

January. 2014

Language Courses: foreign policy and diplomacy, German (Vienna, Austria) (Certificate)

Delovarova L. F., PhD

4-10 August 2014

Almaty, Kazakh National University - University of Hamburg (certificate)

Utegenova A. R., Ph.D.

25-30 November 2014

Poland, Gdansk, European Solidarity Centre "Transformation Thinkers", Reunion

Mussabekova U.Yes.

March 2015

Kazakhstan, Astana

Professional development

Dzhamaldinova M.T.

March 2015


Professional development

Kaliolla A.

June 2015


Professional development

Academic mobility


The period of time spent in the internship


Berik Isaev Asanhanuly


Gazi University (Turkey, Ankara)

Baizhanov Daniar Bolatovich


University of Lodz (Poland, Lodz)

Balgabek Raw Sabituly


Hokkaido University (Japan, Sapporo)

Talipova Dariga Kayratovna


University of Lodz (Poland, Lodz)

Kanalieva Rumisa Serikovna

September 27, 2013-February 10, 2014

University of Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw

Andizhanov A. A.

16 September-31 January 2014

The Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow

Tanysbekova R. D.

16 September-31 January 2014

The Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow

Kenzhegulov Kuandik Serikovich

September 27, 2013-February 10, 2014, 5 months.

University of Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw

Sembekov Nurjan

October 1, 2013-February 15, 2014

La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Sarieva Botagoz

October 1, 2013-February 15, 2014

La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Konysbaeva J.

November 1, 2013-February 10, 2014

University of Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw

Mussabekova U.Yes.

March 2015

Kazakhstan, Astana

Professional development

Dzhamaldinova M.T.

March 2015


Professional development

Kaliolla A.

June 2015


Professional development

Ibraemova E.B.

June 2014


Professional development

Rakhimbaeva R.M.

January 2012


Professional development

Murtaza A.Sh.

January 2012


Professional development

Bimagambetova Zh.T.

January 2012


Professional development

Yessenamanova K.M.

January 2012


Professional development