Awards and achievements of chair

Honors and Achievements of the Chair


Awards and achievements of the Department

Awards and achievement of the Department

Baideldinov Daulet Laikovich


Medal "10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001)
2. Certificate of honor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004)
3. Medal "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005)
4. Medal "10 years of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2006)
5. Medal "10 years of Astana" (2008)
6. Medal "US Gulimyn damuyna Koskan Glese Sshin" (2009)
7. Medal "Ішкі істер біліміне қосқан үлесі үшін" (2010)
8. Medal “бР bіlіm I take asіnіnің ңрметті қызметкері” (2010)
9. Medal "ҚР Қарулы күштеріне 20 жыл" (2011)
10. Medal "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyt tәuelsіzdіgіne 20 zyl" (2011)
11. Medal "ІР ІІБ organdaryna 20 zhyl" (2012)
12. Medal “Constitutions қ orders of today ғ baytu ғ koskan үlesi ushin’ ”(2013)
13. Medal "Kandendik yntymaktstyty damytkany ushin" 2014 hot
14. Medal "Al-Farabi Atynda Қ қ қ қ қ қ қ ұ т т т т і і і 2014 2014" 2014
15. Medal of the World Association of Turks "AHYSKA" 2014
16. Medal "Kazakhstani Armetyans for Women" 2015 hot
17. Medal "Kazakhstan Constitution" 20 zhyl "2015 zhyl
18. Medal "For loyalty to the profession" in 2015 (Kazakhstan advocate advocate)
19. Medal "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyt tәuelsіzdіgіne 25 zyl" (2016)
20. Medal of 20 years to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2017
21. Medal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the national autonomy "Alash" - 2018 zhyl.



Agybaev Arykbai Nusupalievich 




- “80 years of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University” on May 12, 2014

- “For contribution in strengthening Constitutional legality” № 0056 23 August, 2013

- “Suleiman Eskaraev – the first Prosecutor” № 344

- “Ush bi” Badge of honor №0066



Rakhmetov Yesil Sharipbaevich - honorary educator




1. Kazakstan of the Republic Tәuelsіzdіgіnің 10-zhyldyғyna Oriy Almaty қalasy Әdіlet baskarmasy baskylyynyy құrmettі rativasymenmen marapataldy.
2. “Kazuku 75 zhyl” measurekelik medaldarymen marapataldy.
3. “Kazuku 80 zhyl” measurekelik medaldarymen marapataldy.
4. University rektoryny құrmet literacymeni Marapataldy. 2011 zhyly
5. ҚR Bass of the Prosecutor’s Office of the “Kazakhstan Republican Republic of the Prosecutor’s Office of the 20th Jail” measurekelik medalmen 2014 marapattaldy.
6. Ishkі іster ministerlіnің "Kazakhstan policemen 20 zhyl" measurekelik medalіmen 2014 marapattaldy.
7. “Kazakhstan Constitution 20”, merkeke medalmen 2015, Marapatalda zhyly.
8. "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyk Әkeri cells 25 zhyl" medalmen 2017 Marapatalda.
9. Talkar audany thinks ң shesh_mіmen "Talkar audanynyk метrmettі azamat" 2017 zhly құrmettі ataғy berildi.
10. ҚR Bіm zhәne Ulymminlyі “Bіm take іn ңrmettі қyzmetkerі” tбsbelgіmen 2018 zyly marapatdy.
11. Kazakhstan Respublikasynyk ңlet Ministllіnіңlet organizandary zhayesіn damytu a koskan үlesі үshіn" medal_men 2018 zyly marapataldy.
12. Kazakstan Respubliki Skryri Sots tөraғasyny ң shesh_mіmen memleket_m_zdің әskery құқ salasynyam damuyna, bolasha zagerlerdі dayyarlau zhmymysyna zor үles kқққүy үshin alғys hаppen hатshin alғys hаtp h мp h үshın з shyn alder
13. Kazakhstan Respublikasnyқ Constitutions қ Kenesin Конститу “Constitutions қ Deserts of Naytayuғa Koskan үlesі үshіn” medalmen 2018 zaryly marapataldy.
14. Kazakstan Respublikas ң Prosecutor’s Office    
15. S.Amanzholov ATYNDAYS SHYғYS AZAKHSTAN MEMLEKETTIK UNIVERSITY OF DAMUYAN KOSKAN EREKSHE LEZI USHIN "Abai Unanbayuly" tөsbelgіmen 2018 zyly marapatalғan.
16. Kazakhstan Respublikasynyk Zhokargy Soty "Kohamdyk, shykarmashylyu ebbezhі zhne not hundred hundred yyyesіn zhetіldіrugu zhan-zhakyty ypal ektenі ushіn" Ormet literazmenmen 2018 zyly marapattal
17. Kazakhstan of the Republic of Energy Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Republic of Kazakhstan Ecology of Salasyn 30 zyl” medalmen 2018 zaraty marapptaly.
18. Білім жғне ғылым саласына ерекше үлес қосканы үшін Resyj memeklettіk agralyқ university - KA Timiryazev atynda ғ Muskeu auylsharuashyly academy with all the same students of students of the school of students of the university Timiryazev medal_men 2018 zhily marapataldy.
19. Kyzyrғyz Respublikasnyң Justice Ministrlіn bұyryғymen "Kyzmattashtyk salimy uchun" medal_men 2018 zyly marapataldy.



Yelyubayev Zhumageldy Sakenovich


Commemorative Medal "Akademik Sapargaliyev-PamyatnayaMedal "Academician Sapargaliyev» №11
«KAZENRGY» -ҚR Mұnay gas zhane energy keshenіn damytuғaenbek sіңіrіp, «KAZENERGY» қauymdastyғymen әrіptestіktіnyғayta tүsuge Belsen am salysқany ushin №158

-Pochetnaya Diploma "For major advances in scientific researchand innovation"
-The Cicero Award of Excellence 2011


 Erkinbaeva Lazzat Kalymbekovna


Medal "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2005.

Medal "10 years of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2006.

The badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “ғR khylymyn damituғa eңbek sіnіrgenі ushin”, 2010.

Medal "20 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2015.

Winner of the scholarship of MES RK "The best teacher of the university -2010".



Zhatkanbaeva Aizhan Erzhanovna



- “For the development of customs cooperation’ medal № 0175

- “80 years of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University” 2014 December 11

- awarded the state scientific scholarship by the order of the Minister of Education and Science dated November 28, 2016 №675,              

Medal "Kazakhstan Constitution" 20 zhyl "2015 zhyl

- The leading scientist of 2016



Kuanalieva Gulda Amangeldievna


- Winner of the title "Best high school teacher 2016”


Aidarkhanova Kulyash Nursainovna


Certificate of Merit “For successes and achievements of spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan” from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15.12.2017