Scientific projects and researches

International grants for research and educational projects



Grant-giver (who gave a grant  

Title of grant

Total amount of financing (thousand tenge)


The share of KazNU in the amount of funding


Project Dates

Executors from the side of KazNU (full name, academic title and scientific degree of all employees of KazNU who participated in this project)

Subcontractors (name of the participating organization and its country of location)

Purpose and Expected Results










US State Department of Energy, programm   Nonproliferation

“Trainings on dual-use goods. Introduction to Licensing

Total amount of financing



The share of KazNU in the amount of funding



The executor from KazNU is Tazhibaeva T.L., Candidate of Biological Sciences, acting. prof.

Pacific North West National Laboratory, Richland, WS, US - Scientific and Technical Center for Safety of Nuclear Technologies (STC BJT), Kazakhstan


US State Department of Energy, program Nonproliferation

UNESCO chair for Sustainable development cooperates with the following organizations:

  1. General partnership "Abzal and Company", Kyzylorda
  2. "Ayagoz operational locomotive depot", town of Ayaguz
  3. Department of ecology in Mangistau region                                                                      
  4. Limited liability partnership "ECO-KS"                                                                      
  5. RSE " Institute of nuclear physics"                        
  6. Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee of forestry and wildlife RSU "Karatau state reserve", Kentau
  7. Department of natural resources and environmental management of Almaty region    
  8. Municipal state institution "state regional natural Park "Medeu" Department of green economy of Almaty                  
  9. Oil and gas management "Kainarmunaigas" Atyrau region                                                              
  10. LLP " Special funeral services Green carpet"      
  11.  LLP "SNK group"                                                  
  12.  RSE " Kazhydromet"                                            
  13.  "Kazakh research Institute of soil science and Agrochemistry named after U. U. Uspanov"                    
  14.  LLP "ECOTERA" Almaty                                                          
  15.  LLP "NAIMAN-TORE"                                            
  16.  LLP "ECOSERVICE-S"                                  
  17. RSE on REP "Institute of Zoology"                                  
  18.   LLP "KirpichnyZavod"                                  
  19.  LLP "research Institute TEB "KMB ""Caspimunaigas", Atyrau
  20.  LLP " Serkons"                                                      
  21.  LLP "HBP Central Asia"                                        
  22.   "Bazis Construction"
  23.   RSU "Еmergency Department of the Turksib district of Almaty"                                                            
  24.   LLP "BS Snab Group"                                                
  25.   ТОО "Otau Construction Group"
  26.  Department of emergency situations of Tupkaragan district of Mangistau region                                                        
  27.  LLP "Trade iService"                                                                    
  28.  LLP "SautSondirushi"
  29.  LLP "ZhBIGarant"                                                      
  30.  Emergency Department of Shymkent
  31.   LLP "JV Company"                                                                      
  32.  LLP "Production company "Relmax"                                                  
  33.  LLP ТОО "QazaqTurahDala"                                                    
  34.   Emergency Department of Bostandyk region, Almaty                                                                
  35.   RSU " Department of the Committee for industrial development and industrial safety of the Ministry of industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the West Kazakhstan region                                                              
  36.  LLP "Almaty Stroy Group"                                                                  
  37.   LLP "Ansar"                                                          
  38.   LLP "Green carpet Special funeral services"                                                                              


"Research projects and studies"

Project name, state registration number,

full name, leader,


Basis for implementation (R & D program - full name): fundamental R & D, applied, industry, economic / contract, etc.)


(beginning, ending)

Funding organization

Amount of funding

(million tenge) 

Expected scientific and practical results










2011 / GF4 “Physiological and biochemical criteria for resistance to abiotic environmental factors of genotypes of winter wheat of wild, cultural and introgressive forms”, 2015-2017, head- Tazhibaeva T.L. –Kb.n., associate professor, and. Professor of the UNESCO Chair in SD, state registration number 0115РК00877 

According to the budget program: 217 "Development of Science", subprogramme 102 "Grant funding for scientific research", priority is "Life Sciences", by sub-priority: "Molecular, biochemical and cellular bases of living systems"



  Report 2016 -intermediate 

KN MES RK through the Research Institute of Environmental Problems


he winter wheat resource material was screened for drought, winter and frost resistance, resistance to HM and variability in the normal response of wild, cultural and introgressive forms to the action of abiotic factors was established. The results obtained for 2016 compared to 2015 in the search for diagnostic indicators to characterize various types of sustainability and the promise of an integrated approach. The following indicators were used: biomass accumulation, root growth force, change in chlorophyll content and accumulation of free proline in seedlings, analysis of “1000 grain mass”, other productivity indicators and productivity for drought tolerance assessment; percentage of surviving plants after overwintering, freezing in the chambers, accumulation of free proline to assess winter and frost resistance. A patent search on the topic of research. Genotypes that exhibit maximum resistance to abiotic stresses and combine it with productivity are identified. The differentiation of the studied forms of wheat according to resistance to TM (Cu2 +, Zn2 +, Cd2 +) was carried out and the sources of metal resistance were identified.




Tazhibaeva T.L. - resp. Project Executive 0589 / GF4 Justification and development of technology for managing risks of drought as one of the most important factors of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementation period (2015-2017), head V. Salnikov - PhD., prof. Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management

For the budget program: 217 "Development of Science", subprogram 102 "Grant funding for scientific research", priority "Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products"


  Report 2016 -intermediate

KN MES RK through the Research Institute of Environmental Problems


Collected, systematized and digitized material containing long-term data on yield and grain quality for the mapping of spring wheat production areas in Kazakhstan; Varieties that are adaptive for various agrolandscape growing areas have been identified. “Genotype-environmental” interactions, which manifest themselves in a positive deviation from the norm of the grade (standard), draw attention to themselves: Akmola oblast — Omskaya 19 (Balkashinsky GSU), Kazakhstan 15 (Shortandinsky GSU); Aktobe region - all tested varieties; Kostanay region - Omsk 20 (Karabalyksky GSU and Kamyshinsky GSU), Kazakhstan 19 (Kostanay GSU);

The following maps were compiled: the geographical distribution of the zones of Kazakhstan according to the quality of grain, the geographical distribution of the zones of Kazakhstan according to the protein (protein) content, the geographical distribution of the zones of Kazakhstan according to the yield of spring wheat.

It has been established that the territory of spring wheat cultivation in Kazakhstan reveals over 35 plots of state variety testing with relatively low grain quality. The percentage of occurrence of grade 1 and 2 protein on these sites is less than 50%, they prevail in the Aktobe region.

According to the protein content in the grain, only one site in the Pavlodar region was found with the lowest protein content in the grain for the studied twenty-two year period (10-11%). Most plots of state variety testing provide grain with a protein content of 16% or more, which corresponds to grade 1 quality.




4253 / GF 4 VAW - “Investigation of the genetic potential of the resistance of spring wheat to heavy metals for the development of environmentally friendly technology of cultivation on contaminated soils”

№GR-0115РК00394-leader –kb.n., acting professor Alybaeva R.A. 

By priority: 4. Life sciences


4.6. Basic research in the field of chemistry and biology. 





























KN MES RK through the Research Institute of Environmental Problems









































The effect of soil contamination with TM (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu) on the grain quality of spring wheat will be investigated.

Polymorphism of spring wheat genotypes will be investigated using molecular markers based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for resistance to heavy metals and economically valuable traits.

A comprehensive assessment of the source material on environmental and genetic-selection parameters will be conducted, on the basis of which a collection of metal-resistant samples will be formed.

Recommendations will be developed for the production of “Use of spring wheat varieties resistant to heavy metals (lead, copper, zinc and cadmium)”. 


4256 / GF 4 RIPPRPS - Bioremediation of various waste waters from heavy metals based on the use of phyto-algo-cyanobacterial consortia No. GR-0115RK00395 - head - Ph.D., acting professorAlybaeva R.A. 

By priority: 1. Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products

1.2 By priority: 1.8. Rational nature management and provision of the equilibrium ecological state of the environment of Kazakhstan. 



































Structured biocenses will be formed, including organisms of various taxonomic groups, including higher plants. Optimal parameters of control of phytoremediation processes will be selected.

Structural biocenoses will be formed. including organisms of various taxonomic groups, including higher plants, i.e. containing organisms with different biochemical functions and capabilities,

that allows not only to simulate the natural processes of self-purification, but also to intensify them under conditions of anthropogenic load.

Principles of creation and practical application of multi-level clearing consortia based on higher plants and microorganisms of various taxonomic groups will be developed and optimal parameters for controlling bioremediation processes will be selected. 


Development of a method for the objectification of expert assessments of the contribution of individual pollution sources to the general environmental situation of a territory Scientific adviser - Dr., Pavlichenko L.M.

Fundamental research 





Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products, environmental problems and environmental management


№ п/п

The direction of research project

name of project  

Manager of project




  Integrated management of water recycling: improving the ability, skill and influence in education and business management of water resources 

 530718-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR Integrating Water cycle Management: Capability, Capacity and Impact in Education and Business

  Supervisor:Candidate ofChemicalScience, Docent

 Minzhanova G.M.

 15.10.2012 - 14.10.2015


  Promotionofthe principles of " green" office in RK

 "The introduction of the principles of green office in educational institutions of Kazakhstan" 



Tazhibaeva T.L. - Project manager, Candidate ofBiloligicalScience,

ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development



  Will be assessed the degree of accumulation of cadmium in the grain and biomass and grain productivity selected for the study of winter wheat genotypes and identified promising forms that combine productivity and resistance to cadmium. Will be conducted comprehensive assessment of the starting material for molecular genetic and ecological breeding parameters based on which will be formed metalloustoychivyh collection of samples  

"Molecular genetic study of the thermal stability of wheat genotypes to identify forms of perspective for cultivation in the East Kazakhstan region." 


AlybaevaR.A.Candidate of BiloligicalScience, ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development






Nonproliferation programs andSIT 

Nonproliferation programs. SIT. Introduction to Licensing " 

Tazhibaeva T.L., Candidate of BiloligicalScience, ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development

 Head (Manager) subroutine in biology chemistry (lecturer, international experts) 



  Development of applied research and development priorities for accelerated industrial and innovative development 

  Physiological and biochemical criteria for resistance to abiotic environmental factors genotypes of winter wheat wild, cultural and introgression forms. 


Tazhibaeva T.L. -
Candidate of BiloligicalScience, ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development



Priority: 4. Life Sciences.
By priority: 4.6. Basic research in the field of chemistry and biology 

  Investigation of the stability of the genetic potential of spring wheat to heavy metals for the development of clean technology growing in contaminated soils


Candidate of BiloligicalScience, ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development








Priority: Sustainable use of natural resources, recycling of raw materials and products.
Action: problems of ecology and environmental management

Development of a method of objectification of expert estimates the contribution of individual sources of pollution in the overall environmental situation territory 

Supervisor - Paulichenka L.M.,Doctorof GeographicalScience, ProfessorofUNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development




