Onomastic regional club "Zheruyik"


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Dear students!

We invite students, undergraduates and schoolchildren to participate in the international scientific-cognitive conference "Onomastics - Society - Time". The conference is held at the University of Al-Farabi on, April 5, 2019  The best reports will be awarded.

The following topics are proposed for consideration:

1. Features of modern names of the person.

2. The role of toponyms in modern society.

3. Features in the use of proper names in advertising.

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

To participate in the conference, the author must send an electronic version (Times New Roman fonts, 14 size) of the material (not more than 3 sheets).

Rules for materials

In the center - the name of the article (in capital letters, 14 skittle)

The author of the article (full name) (12 skittle)

Names of university, city (12 skittle)

Email (10 skittle)

Supervisor (12 skittle)

Sizes: left side, right side, up and down - 20 mm.

Line spacing - 1.0

Annotation: 3-5 sentences, in Kazakh, Russian, English

Keywords: no more than 5 words, in italics, 10 pt, in Kazakh, Russian, English

Sample literatures:

1. Kolesov V.V. Russian mentality in language and text. - St. Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2006. P.11.

2. Popova ZD, Sternin I.A. Cognitive linguistics. - M .: AST: East-West, 2007.

The organizing committee reports that all materials will be published after careful selection. Reports presented to the conference should contain the results of relevant scientific research and be of practical importance. All materials are checked for plagiarism.

Application for participation (full name, place of work, position, degree, title of the title of the article, section name, e-mail, contact numbers) and materials are accepted until March 25, 2019.

The organizing committee reports that all materials will be published after careful selection. Reports presented to the conference should contain the results of relevant scientific research and be of practical importance. All materials are checked for plagiarism.

Application for participation (full name, place of work, position, degree, title of the title of the article, section name, e-mail, contact numbers) and materials are accepted until March 25, 2019.

Links are written inside the text according to the following pattern: [1:23] (1 - names of labor, 23 - number of sheets); [2:15, 16] (2 — names of labor, 15 — number of sheets, 16 — names of labor); [2, 16, 15] (2, 16, 15 - the title of labor).

Application form for the conference

Full name


Place of study








Title of the report


Necessary technical devices (write the name)








Contact numbers


Participation in the conference



The deadline for submission of the article and registration forms is March 25, 2019. Articles are sent to the email address below.

E-mail: medet_73@mail.ru, medetperizat73@gmail.com

The address of the conference organizing committee: Almaty, Avenue of Al-Farabi 71, KazNU. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology and World Languages, Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, office - 317, e-mail medet_73@mail.ru, contact phones: 8 (727) 221 10 00, 8 (727) 221 10 10 (internal 13-29); 8-707-469-51-62; 8-705-277-35-39.

The registration fee for publishing costs is 2000 tenge. We request you to send the registration fee by mail to this address: 050040, Almaty, ave. Al-Farabi 71, KazNU. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology and World Languages, Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, 17 cab., Medetbekova Perizat Tuktibaevna.

Please send a copy of the payment receipt to this email: medet_73@mail.ru, medetperizat73@gmail.com

The costs associated with participation in the conference are at the expense of the participants themselves.

Venue: Almaty, Ave. Al-Farabi 71, KazNU. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology and World Languages, Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, room - 317, 322 them. A.S. Amanzholova. Registration starts at 9:00.

Executive secretary: Syrlybay Balaus 8-747-549-40-7