Quality in the higher education


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We are pleased to invite you to take part in the international Symposium within XVI Asian Congress of Quality "Quality in the higher education" at al-Farabi KazNU on September 21, 2018.

The Symposium is held in cooperation with the International Academy of Quality (IAQ, USA) and Kazakhstan Organization of Quality and Innovation Management (KOQIM, Kazakhstan).

The main purpose of the event is to develop and promote the dialogue on quality issues in the higher education system.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as the leading university of the country, immediately after joining the Bologna process, tooks an active course on integration into the world educational environment and orientation to the world quality standards and best practices in the field of higher education. New global and regional trends and challenges in higher education in Europe and Asia require continuous work and improvement of the quality of higher education. The Symposium on the basis of al-Farabi KazNU will attract a wide academic and scientific community to discuss current problems and new trends in the quality of higher education, taking into account the experience of leading HEIs in the US, China, UAE, South Korea, and etc., as well as the experience of domestic universities.

Venue: Red hall of the Faculty of mechanics and mathematics

Time: 14.30-17.00

Registration: 14.00.

Organizers: Center of accreditation, rating and quality management, Accreditation and licensing Service.

Contact information: Accreditation and licensing Service, Delovarova L. F., 377-33-33 (1459), +7 701 365 88 08.