History of faculty

The history of biological faculty starts in 1934, with the foundation of the University. 22 students were trained, and two departments - of Botany and Zoology functioned at the faculty at that time. In 1938 two more departments were opened: Plant Physiology and Human and Animal physiology; in 1948 - Darwinism and Genetics, and Soil Science departments. During next years their number has increased; Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, Histology and Cytology, Microbiology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Environmental Protection departments were opened.

The first dean of the faculty professor Mishchenko Pavel Ivanovich was the outstanding scientist, doctor of biology; later the great zoologist, doctor of biology, professor Bartnev Alexander Nikolayevich took his place. V.A.Dogel, G.Z.Bijashev, F.H.Halilov, I.O.Bajtullin, M.H.Shigaeva, R.I.Bersimbaev were the deans who lead faculty in different years and brought significant contribution to its development. Since the very first years of its formation biological faculty was remarkable for the extremely high level of its teaching staff. Such prominent scientists and wonderful educational specialists as A.N.Bartnev, P.I.Mishchenko, P.I.Gromakovsky, N.V.Pavlov, A.S.Lazarenko, V.S.Kornilova, M.A.Rosenberg, V.A.Dogel, G.Z.Bijashev, B.A.Dombrovsky, T.B.Darkanbaev, N.L.Udolskaja, N.Z.Khusainov, M.F.Avazbakieva, A.P.Polosuhin, S.R.Shvartsman, I.O.Bajtullin, T.M.Masenov, P.A.Ler worked at the faculty.

The faculty has the right to be proud of its graduates: M.A.Ajthozhin, the academician, the winner of the Lenin prize, president of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, academicians I.O.Bajtullin, E.V.Gvozdev, who had also worked for many years in a system of the Academy of Sciences.